The three ethics of permaculture: EARTH CARE, PEOPLE CARE, FAIR SHARE

The first directive of permaculture is to take responsibility for oneself, where responsibility means being able to respond.

From this directive flows the need to identify a vision, an objective, which includes a shared and universal ethic and which guides the application of permaculture.

Ethics therefore acts as a limit and the ethical principles of permaculture help us in this recall process; they are universally valid and intrinsically linked to each other.

PEOPLE CARE – Taking care of the human being

Start on your own, so that you can later contribute to the well-being of your family, your surroundings and your community.

The objective is to ensure that our basic needs are met, after having identified them and without depriving others of them.

When people’s needs are met with compassion and simplicity, the environment around them can thrive.

EARTH CARE – Caring for Nature

Since we have a great impact on the planet, we are responsible for it individually and collectively.

Each species has an intrinsic value, and must be respected for the functions it performs – even when we do not know how they are useful to our needs.

The Earth is a living and breathing entity. It requires continuous care and attention if serious consequences are to be avoided.

FAIR SHARE – Share equitably through self-limitation

Living within limits means limiting our consumption and becoming aware of the consequences of our actions and choices. Means taking what is right for us and sharing the rest, while recognizing that there are limits to what we can give or take.

What do I want to support with my surplus (time, energy, money)? When do I have “enough”? What impact on the planet?

Periods of abundance should encourage us to share with others.